A Special vFlyteAir e-Newsletter.
Yes, this time another e-Newsletter then you’re expecting. This time it’s time to promote vFlyteAir aircraft. Who doesn’t know them?
Yes, there’s a lot to see and explore when it comes to vFlyteAir aircraft. They produce without doubt extreme high quality GA aircraft. Some aircraft types they model are known, other models are not so familiar to you and me, but the overall modelling is always gorgeous!
This special e-Newsletter is dedicated to some of the vFlyteAir reviews or impressions we’ve covered or to other product updates. As Walker Guthrie is saying himself “We at vFlyteAir try to developer quality add-on aircraft for X-Plane 9, 1o and they already started with some X-Plane 11 Cherokee 140 patches.”
You want to have this e-Newsletter too, then it’s time to register for X-Plained.