On behalf of SSG, we’re pleased to inform you that SSG has released their E-Jet Evolution Series.
In conjunction with Javier Cortés from FJCC (as with their SSG 747-8 Series) on a complete redesign of its successful E-Jet series to bring a whole new level of realism and sophistication to Embraer’s regional jets in X-Plane. The E-170 series is planned first, followed by the E-190 stretched variant. The E-Jet Evolution comes with a lot of features, too many to highlight them all. Therefore we invite you to check out their website as wel las their Facebook page. For buying details, visit the dedicated X-Plane.org store page.
1. Reputation is earned by products and its quality, but not hiring someone praising or deleting posts in forums.
2. When only one customer complains about your products, you can say “our products are not suitable for you.” When two or more people say something bad about your products, you can assume “they are malicious.” But when a group of customers all refuse to buy your products furthermore, IMHO you really need to re-think your product quality and your strategy towards customers.
3. Never say “SSG does not need YOU to teach them how to conduct the business” or something like that. Ricardo didn’t say it but someone in SSG said in the org. In case your deleting-post tradition, I have taken a screenshot. BTW a
4. Proper English expression is needed when dealing with customers. Cultural shock may also encounter problems when you are not using the language properly. Unfortunately SSG has some “tradition” on it before in 748 forum.
Hope SSG can improve their products since before SSG there is no quality E-series products in the X-Plane field.
BTW would you SSG pls improve the RTE page of the FMC? It’s embarrassing to see
after activating the DEP/ARR airports(e.g. departing from JFK and arriving at CLE) but not filling the route. 748 FMC also shows the same result, which in real 747 (as well as quality software like PSX) doesn’t show it.
Sadly, on xplane.org only. I had too many problems with products I bought there and couldn’t access anymore, untrustworthy place that I can’t possibly recommend.
Hi , I received a mail from Angelique to pay attention for this posts here,
Well this person , “donoscar” you don’t need look for to much to see him in almost posts of ours SSG, telling the same thing , about quality, to not update the products and much more, it is just because he started a very sadly persecution of yours , he asked to don’t update our E-170 and keep the B748 update. Because it and some absolutely out of respect from his part he started to follow up us and all place that have our product he is alive to make his “INCITES”. Well you “community that is reading this post can follow up this crazy sadly person or go into the forums and see if it is all true what he is talking. We SSG have a compromise to be always improving our products, the almost claims in our product is the quality of textures that we are gradually getting better and better, since we started to make planes for XP our “FREWARE” and “payware” have been famous for it quality in many many areas that otters lacks, not is full perfect and the positive input into the forums makes our product gets better. It is very ease to see when some comments that is only one “Shark Attack” when they has nothing to say in fact only the same key,and very old key. In fact what this kind of people makes is only late some “community users ” do not to buy the product. Then after a long time you find comments like : “Wow why I did not buy this plane before”. We SSG will not answer anymore this type of attack , it don’t grows anything and will not make us to stop to make ACFs to X-plane. Next , yes a B748 update. A big one.
Ricardo, just two remarks,
a) Apologies, it might be me, but I really have no clue what you are talking about, you seem to be mixing up things. The only place I wrote about SSG was on the org forum, and here. I would look for help when it comes to public customer communications, what you are doing is really not professional.
b) I think you have outed yourself in front of the whole community (again) with your rude reply on what I personally think, and was confirmed by Angelique, was a civilized exchange until you stepped in. I even apologized when I realized I was getting somewhat personal.
I understand your passion for a product you and your colleagues created and I definitely respect your hard work, but try to be a bit more open towards customer feedback, and do not censure your forum. Take example on competitor’s way of dealing with even not justified criticism. It would be a shame if eventually you really would achieve a great and high quality product and no-one would buy it because of your reputation.
We are very lucky to start having independent places like X-Plained where customers can express their experiences and give their advice freely. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to find any when I initially decided to naively trust and buy your product. And that is where you are doing the X-Plane developers community a very bad service.
Don Oscar Out
Did the SSG 747-8 Series have an update recently?
Their last update for the 747-8 is version 1.4, but this is already back somewhere mid April this year. They are busy with version 1.5, but that’s in the making.
I would have appreciated an update to the 747 v 1.4 too that would make it stand up to market standards considering its price. Instead they move on to another product (according to what I read, again a big disappointment) and take the money from customers. Pretty short term thinking… Therefore I will simply not buy any other SSG product until i am really convinced by reviews and user forums that the product is actually worth the money they charge. And do not dare to ask uncomfortable questions in their forum, you risk to get banned for whatever reason they are able to find in your message.
Hi Donoscar,
I think I need to correct you. SSG is busy with developing an update version 1.5 for the 747-8i (source their FB page post April 2016). Reading your posting, I got the impression that there’s something else since I know the SSG team quite well and they are not people that “take money of customers.” They are always willing to help people when problems arise. So I suggest that you contact them again and aks them for help with the problems you’re facing.
Angelique, with all respect for the hard work SSG has certainly been doing and still continues to do for the X-Plane community, I think they have a big gap with the recent Add-on quality standard improvements IXEG, PMDG, FlightFactor, just to name a few, have brought into the X-Plane add-on market. But most important, they are very reluctant to accept negative customer feedback. You will hardly find any negative post in their forum, they just delete and ignore those unhappy posts. OK, I admit I was a bit strong on the Money taking, they seem to be doing some refunding when customers are unhappy to stop them writing negative reviews on the org (so did I for the 747). But instead, I believe they would be doing a much better service to the whole X-Plane community accepting and reacting much faster to negative feedback. Unfortunately, according to what I read about this Embraer update, they seem to have done the same mistakes (very low texturing quality in cockpit) again, and they continue erasing bad buzz. I would recommend, raise quality or lower expectations (and price). I would accept a lower texture quality, given the very good FMC this 747 had, but at that price level I expect systems, graphics, and modelling.
Le5t me first thank you for your reply and taking the time for this.
I’m not really in the position to reply or to do something else related to SSG. Therefore I will contact Stefan or Ricardo if they will reply and perhaps contact you via your email address. I hope that’s OK with you.
actually, I had long exchanges with Ricardo, and he told me I was not welcome to use their products anymore…
so, you can fwd my messages but I doubt it will change. I keep on reading the same feedback from other customers. This is what I mean with bad service to the X-Plane community.
and I will stop here before you ban me from your forum for hi-jacking a post 🙂
As long as you, but that’s also for others, give comments in a normal way, I don’t see any reason to ban people. When people start writing serious negative comments and don’t want to listen to others then I act, but else, no, no worries! Perhaps other sites ban you, but you and others are free to express there feelings how they think about a product. That’s even for me as reviewer although I need to find “diplomatic” words to express my feelings about a product vI’m reviewing.