Static GA Aircraft Australia Library 1.0
We’re at are pleased to host nightflyer256 aka Ian “Australian Static GA Aircraft library”. It’s another chance to offer something to the airport developers, just in case they decide to add this library in their airport(s).
According to Ian “I decided to repaint the planes to fictional Australian registrations (VH-???) to compliment some scenery Im working on right now. There are 9 different models with several different registrations and texture designs.”
Conditions of use:
All of the aircraft included in ths file are repaints of existing models of which all bar one were originated by Bertrand AUGRAS (Permission to use obtianed from XPFR 2 Dec – Thankyou). I have completely repainted (without precision) the KingAir 200 model for which im not sure of the object file origin. THIS IS FREEWARE and may be used and distributed amongst our community however MUST NOT be used in commercial payware packages unless proir permission is requested from the originators.
And, how to install?
Just unzip to your custom scenery file in x plane. Select aircraft and place in your scenery using WED or Overlay Editor.
This package is offered to you by X-Plained.Com. It is free for personal and/or private use. It is not allowed to copy, publish or redistribute any part of any file or package from this website without prior permission from X-Plained.Com or from the developer. Commercial use of the package or parts of it, is prohibited in any way.
Keep in mind that your maximum download per day is set to 15 files or packages a day.