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Introduction “Soulmade Beaver” for X-Plane 11

review_sms_beaverThis will be a challenge for your personal reporter Angelique van Campen, but believe me, she enjoyed every flight and ground hour testing this Soulmade Simulations DeHavilland DHC-2 Beaver for X-Plane 11.

According to Angelique “Frame rates are great, and the modelled Beaver is very complex and highly detailed including the 3D cockpit. The cockpit is kept as original as possible and therefore no default X-Plane Garmin GNS equipment is included.” Time to check out her comprehensive review of this great Beaver.

Feel free to leave a comment after you’ve read it or surf to the dedicated X-Plane.Org store page for more information.

X-Crafts Embraer E175

xcrafts_e175Your personal reporter Angelique van Campen is enthusiastic when it comes to the X-Crafts Embraer E175. There’s a lot to explore, so I invite you to check out here comprehensive impression of this medium size aircraft. It’s very well modelled with a lot of tiny details as wlel as that weathering is included to give it a realistic look and feel.

You can read all about the impression via this link.

A-1C Husky from STMA

stma_husky_skisSTMA (Shade tree Micro Aviation) is pleased to announce the release of their new Aviat A-1C Husky. This is not a remake of the A-1A Husky. It’s all new!

The A-1C is the latest version flying with substantial performance improvements in useful load and flight dynamics. In our simulation we include the best of aftermarket modifications and some of our most coveted wish list items to make it the most capable bush plane in your collection. And what does this A-1C Husky offer? Here’s a short list of features:
– 3D cockpit with 3D instruments using day and night textures
– Laminar G530 GPS
– Dual COM/NAV
– Garmin Interphone panel
– Becker Radios (Light weight soaring favorites)
– Custom simulation of the Trio Pro Pilot autopilot system
– JPI EDM 930 Engine monitor
– Custom All-Season Gear and Flap indicator
– and much more.

For more information, check kout the dedicated STMA Husky web page.

Impression “Picus X Aquila A21x”

review_picus_x_aquilaA Passionate Real World Aquila Pilot. It couldn’t be better: a passionate actual Aquila pilot who has developed his own X-Plane version. On the question of excellent 3D modelling skills and instrument programming, Your personal reporter Angelique van Campen tries to figure that out in this impression. It could be a perfect combination for developing an aircraft for X-Plane 10.

You can read it all here at ASN X-Plane via this comprehensive impression link.

JARDesign A320neo v2.6

eport_tam_jardesign_a320neoJARDesign would like to inform you that their Airbus A320neo has  been updated to version 2.6 public beta 4.

The updated version is X-Plane 10.42 ready and the MCDU and ND are reworked. Remember, it’s a beta! You can download this beta for free via this direct link. For more information about how to install this update, check out the dedicated JARDesign A320neo web page.