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Updated vFlyteAir Piper Cherokee 140

VFlyteAir-Cherokee-140Walker from vFlyteAir is pleased to inform you that they have released a so called maintenance update version 1.1 of the Piper Cherokee 140 models. This maintenance release fixes a few bugs and adds a couple of user-suggested features.

Just in case you’ve lost control … the ORIGINAL Cherokee model is a replica of N3466K, which is an airplane that I occasionally fly here in Texas. It is a basic trainer airplane with VFR-only instrument panel. We think that student pilots and VFR pilots will enjoy this model. It challenges X-Plane pilots to practice their pilotage and VFR navigation skills. The CLASSIC Cherokee model is based on the same airframe and engine, but the panel is IFR-capable, and it has a simulated STEC 55X autopilot. The CLASSIC version can perform ILS and GPS/RNAV approaches on autopilot, as well as follow flight plans entered on the default X-Plane g430 GPS.

There’s lots of great features with both of these airplanes, including a plug-in driven customized engine startup feature – when the engine oil temperature is cold, it takes longer to start the engine. If the engine is warm or hot, it starts much easier. More information can be found at the dedicated vFlyteAir web page.

JARDesign Ground Handling Deluxe

ghd_jardesignThis short impression deals with the option of adding ground handling equipment to your aircraft.

On purpose I write to your aircraft since the JARDesign Ground Handling Deluxe package only adds ground handling equipment to your own aircraft and not to the airport environment. Angelique van Campen figures out what’s all possible and what’s not. Further on, is the creations of your own “sets” difficult or not? You can read it all in her Ground Handling Deluxe impression.

Alabeo Titan 404

alabeo_titan_404When Angelique says “Cessna Titan 404”, I could mean old and rusty or not? Let me refresh your memory a little bit …. the Cessna 404 was a development of the Cessna 402 with an enlarged vertical tail and other changes. Wit that and much more, Angelique flew and checked the Alabeo Titan 404 twin engine GA aircraft and was she happy?

This question and the belonging answer and much more can be found in this comprehensive review published for you at ASN X-Plane.

Marc’s “Ultra Realistic KRIC”

marc_kric_postMarc Leydecker, yes, you know Marc a.k.a Belga12345 and for me, the SketchUp guru responsible for other great airport projects like KFYJ (Middle Peninsula Regional Airport) and KPVG (Hampton Roads Executive Airport) as well as his NAPS (North Atlantic and Pacific Simulations) participation which was or is it “is” led by Freddy De Pues.

Marc is pleased to inform you that, finally, his creation of the Richmond International Airport (KRIC) is ready and being released via X-Plane.Org, but before that, your personal reporter Angelique has tried to find out all the ins and outs of KRIC. You can read her in-depth impression via this link.

Update … w2xp HD sceneries 2016

w2xp_e_barcelonaOn behalf of PilotBalu from SimHeaven we would like to inform you about an updated w2xp sceneries HD for X-Plane 10. This update comes with lot of improvements and therefore worth to bring to your attention. Check out this list with improvements:
– Actual OSM data Feb, 2016
– One file per continent
– Added new buildings for South europe
– Added gantry and portal cranes
– Added wooden piers with ships at piers
– Added platforms and roofs
– Deleted objects at most airports
– Corrected LODs
– Some improved facades
– Solar panel fields
– Added cable car, gondola, drag lift