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The Handy Objects Library Version 7.7

Update: As per our date December 3rd 2019 | New version 7.7

We’re at X-Plained.Com are pleased to inform you that Scottish Wings has given his approval to promote/publish his latest Handy Objects library.

According to Scottish Wings “The Handy Objects Library holds the various objects created by my good self over the last 3 years and there are more than 1791 usable items now included (1784 to be exact). There are 17 Facades, 1601 Objects and 173 Strings so hopefully plenty of items for you to enjoy.

In the download you will see a text file called aaa Permission Note & Read Me.txt summarising the revision changes along with the current version number and conditions of use. Please read this first to get the details of what has been added and when. You will also now find a pdf file which houses screenshots of all the various objects, so take a look if you would like a sneak peek of what is in there..

I have tested the library using my 64 Bit PC running Windows 8.1 Pro and X-Plane 10.51 & X-Plane 11.00 pb5 , both with Laminar’s World Editor (WED) and Marginal’s Overlay Editor (OE) and as far as I can tell it all works and is compatible with Windows, MAC and LINUX platforms. I am afraid I can’t comment on older versions of X-Plane, so all I can suggest is try it out and see if it works for you. If however you do find any issues with X-Plane 10 or 11, please let me know and I will do what I can to help you resolve them.

To install the library, download the file, unpack the folder and place directly into your Custom Scenery folder. Look for ” handy objects”, in WED or OE to view the objects and then place them in your scenery as you require. For any strings (.str extension), remember to also change the spacing to give the desired effect. If you have the library already installed and you wish to update it to a newer version, as long as you haven’t renamed it, you should be able to just copy the complete folder over and it will update or overwrite any files that require to be changed. Otherwise delete the old one and re install.

If you export your work to the community and have used items from this library, remember to reference The Handy Objects Library (including version number) so that others know you have used it and they need to also download it.

I really hope you find it useful, and feel free to send me some feedback or suggestions on new objects. If you do decide to download the library please take a moment to leave a review or a comment as they would be most welcome.

Thanks to leovox01 and now also brosenguy for allowing me to include their objects and also to Laurentiu, PM3D and UilianS for use of their SketchUp models.

One final word of thanks to Marginal for his great utilities, Sketchup2XPlane and X-Publish, both very handy.

Things Still To Do:
– Further optimisation of all objects to reduce triangle count.
– LOD and TILTED attributes to be added to objects where relevant.

I plan to work away at this over the coming months and a big thanks to everyone who has provided help and tips on how to improve my library. Very much appreciated.

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The Handy Objects Library (208.1 MiB, 410 downloads)