ToLiss A319 Factory Primers
What kind of title is that … factory primers from ToLiss A319? And from Christoph_T?
Let me try to explain …. Airbus aircraft are, just as any other aircraft, painted with a primer to protect the Aluminum or any other material. The kind of primer and also the color differs a lot. Parts of the current Airbus models aren’t painted, in particular the parts made of CFRP (Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic) or Kevlar. These are recognised by black or yellow parts. But besides these composite materials, there’s still a lot made out of Aluminum and that’s painted with a primer. Some parts from these Airbus primer models are white. For some reason Airbus does this although the final color may be different. As far as I know, the white painted parts are for example the engine cowlings, the belly parts of the fuselage to wing construction and so on.
Why all of this?
I asked X-Plane.Org Christoph_T to paint for me and the community a primer configuration based on the ToLiss A319 and what has come of it … check that out right below. Enjoy his paintwork and the many other paintings we offer at X-Plained.Com.
On behalf of Christoph ……. many thanks!