We’re pleased to offer you Andy’s in-depth CYYZ Toronto Pearson International review.
According to Andy “This is a highly impressive model with great attention to detail and a real effort to deliver a huge project as accurately as possible.”
Andy continues “The model works well whether being used simply as a place to takeoff and land, with the runways realistically following the real thing, or whether using the extended facilities with ten runway options and nearly 200 ramp starts available. The airport can be enjoyed in many different aspects and with many different aircraft types and those areas still under development in the real thing have working sites and detail which makes the pilot wary of FOD!”
But there’s so much more. On behalf of Andy I encourage you to read his comprehensive review.
A beautiful and incredibly well done airport by Richard Nunes and team! As with many HD addons for X-Plane, whether scenery or aircraft, the better GPU you have, the better the performance. You simply cannot expect to to run graphics heavy HD with an older processor and achieve good frame rate, unless you turn the rendering settings way down. These guys build some of my favorite scenery and I highly recommend their other airports as well, such as SBRJ and SBGL.