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US Forests and Woodland for Ortho scenery Version 1.0.0

On behalf of X-Plane.Org user antwob, we’ve pleaded that we have his approval to promote and host his re-uploaded US Forests and Woodland for Ortho scenery.

As indicated by Tony himself “This is a reupload of a scenery I created early last year whilst working on L52 Oceano and being annoyed by default trees covering the beach.”

This scenery will add more accurate forests and woodland for use with photoscenery for the entire United States (Including Alaska and Hawaii) and is generated using the USGS foresty cover data collected around 2012 onwards.
This is a direct conversion of the data with some simplificaton and processing applied for performance reasons.

The scenery is meant for users of photoscenery only and will do the following:

– Remove trees across the default overlay sceneries, e.g. Trees covering beaches or fields
– Added much more accurate and dense forests/trees to be used on top of photoscenery.

What it won’t do:

– Show the correct forest type (e.g. Decidious, Conifer). This information wasn’t in the data, so mostly the forests are generic.
– Add treelines and individual trees in towns and cities
– Add forests where there aren’t any in the data (So if it’s missing, it’s probably not in the data I had)

To install, just unzip (using something such as 7zip) and drop into your Custom Scenery folder. The forest scenery should come above all your photoscenery and overlay sceneries, but below and airports.

License and Usage
Please do not reupload or redistribute this scenery without first asking for permission. This scenery contains data generated from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) which is available in the public domain.

This package is offered to you by X-Plained.Com. It is free for personal and/or private use. It is not allowed to copy, publish or redistribute any part of any file or package from this website without prior permission from X-Plained.Com or from the developer. Commercial use of the package or parts of it, is prohibited in any way.


US Forests and Woodland (1.3 GiB, 285 downloads)