Once an a while there’s something that triggers Angelique’s attention. This time she was seeking for a lua utility that could do a bit more then she normally sees. Together with the recent update of X-Plane to version 11.30r3, she ran into trouble with her clouds, but she found, not only for clouds, a interesting freeware utility; FlyAGI Tweak Utility.
We should do this more. We from X-Plained.Com should do more freeware reviews since it’s fun seeing what developers can make. FlyAGI does have an own website in German and English. It’s more a forum, but with some interesting downloads too. One of them deals with this utility review. According to Angelique “I think I covered most of the FlyAGI Tweak Utility. It was not my intention to write a thorough review, although it has become a much longer story then planned.”
She continues “Anyway, I like this tiny freeware lua package and although we at X-Plained can’t host is, it’s worth to download it from the FlyAGI website and give it a try. Feedback of your experience is always welcome and perhaps you come up with good ideas to be added to the product and perhaps the developer is willing to implement that.”
Want to read her FlyAGI Tweak Utility look and feel review? Then you must check out this in-depth review link.
An excellent program. Was not into it for 5 minutes and it was amazing! Thank you for this
Thanks Dan. Hopefully Agi who’s the developer of this freeware plugin, will see this message too.