Many videos can be found on the Internet related to X-Plane or dedicated to the many add-ons. Most of them are either promotional videos or have a kind of educational background, so why should we create even more videos, right?
We’re not interested in competing with those video makers who make promotional videos. We leave that up to them, but when your personal reporter Angelique van Campen started with a review of the Orbx TrueEarth Great Britain North she ran into a problem; how to collect all those screenshots in one review, preventing to get a slideshow review.
The answer was quickly found …. create a video of the flight she did in Scotland. Together with her iMac, Final Cut Pro and a standalone high quality screen recording system – Screenflick – she was able to do what she had in mind. After this small success. more and more videos are added. Not on a daily base, perhaps not even on a weekly base, but just when time permits. Since most of our videos are embedded in a review, we decided to make a separate Video Section on our website landing page. Check it out on the X-Plained.Com landing page and seek for the section that says Videos.