OK, I know. It’s not an aircraft, but a rotorcraft although I’ve aded the video in the aircraft section.
This video and belonging review (https://www.x-plained.com/helicopter-review-vskylabs-r44-raven-ii-project/) which can be found at X-Plained.Com deals with the VSKYLABS Robinson R44 Raven II helicopter.
It’s been a while ago that your personal reporter Angelique van Campen has reviewed a helicopter. Depending on the degree of realism, it is either not that difficult to fly them or it is quite complex to review and thus to fly a helicopter. This VSKYLABS helicopter will be a challenge. It won’t be a challenge to find out how it’s made, how the 3D model is created or how the small, but beautiful cockpit looks like. The challenge lies in hovering with regular flight sim equipment.
The challenge will be setting up all the hardware for the R44 and then to fly it. When you want to give it a try and read what problems I faced and the solutions I found with the help of Helisimmer.com and JetManHuss from VSKYLABS, then you should check out in-depth review.