UPDATE Friday January 27th:
X-Camera 2.2.1 is complete and is now ready for download. 2.2.1 is primarily a bug fix release and does not include any new features over 2.2. There was a bug that prevented X-Camera users running on Apple OSX from sharing camera files with the community. This bug only affected OSX users and has been corrected in 2.2.1.
Stick and Rudder Studios is pleased to inform you that X-Camera version 2.2 is finally ready for release.
X-Camera 2.2 is complete and is now ready for download. Version 2.2 contains a number of new features as well as some bug fixes and overall improvements. You can review the change log in detail in the new User Guide.
There is a tutorial video that covers the major new features in version 2.2. You can get the 2.2 zip file from the Stick and rudder Studios website.
If you are currently a 2.1.1 registered user your current 2.0 registration key will work with 2.2. If you are an X-Camera 1.1 user you will need to get a new key by registering again on our registration page.
Here is a brief list of the all the changes concluded in this version:
- Fixed the problem that prevented X-Plane views from being activated
- Changed the method for smooth camera joins to use a three control point Bezier curve algorithm
- Improved the “Nearest Airport Camera” to find the closest airport camera file within a 20 nautical mile radius of the plane.
- Adapted the X-Plane 11 Multi-Monitor support on external cameras to work with the new way X-Plane 11 PB6 supports offset rotations
- Fixed a bug in linear and smooth transitions when joining cameras with the auto advance feature. The bug introduced an additional frame at the camera join points which would look like a micro-stutter as the transitions were processed.
- and much more.
For all improvements, fixes and new features, check out the dedicated Stick and Rudder Studios web page. If you run into any problems please don’t hesitate to contact me at Support@StickandRudderStudios.com.