On behalf of Mark from Sticks and Rudder Studios, I want to inform you that X-Camera 2.3.1 beta build 1 is available. 2.3.1 is primarily a bug fix release with a few minor enhancements.
It contains the following additions:
- Fixed bugs in View and Camera axis inputs
- Added View and Camera axis smoothing
- Fixed bug where camera axis input was only handling the first 100 axis assignments in X-Plane 11 when it needed to be 250 in X-Plane 11
- Added next and previous view ID buttons to the main control panel
- Added Head Track Smoothing option
- Fixed the help text for the command SRS/X-Camera/Select_Category_n to indicate that it selects the last active camera in the category not the first camera in the category
- Fixed a bug where the command SRS/X-Camera/Select_Next_View_ID would not evaluate all cameras and would miss cameras with view IDs assigned to them
- Corrected spelling error on yoke visibility button
You can  get the zip file from our website:
Mark suggests that you make a backup copy of your X-Camera directory should you need to revert back to X-Camera 2.3. Simply unzip the X-Camera_2.3.1B1.zip file into a temporary directory and then copy the resulting X-Camera directory over the top of your current X-Camera directory in the X-Plane plugins directory, allowing your copy utility to over write / merge the old files. Your license.txt and X-Camera settings will be preserved.
The user guide included in the zip file has a release notes section that outlines the changes in 2.3.1 Beta 1. Those sections of the manual that discuss the new features have been updated but the tutorial videos have not been updated.
Since 2.3.1 is a minor upgrade for X-Camera 2.0, 2.2.1, and 2.3 your existing license.txt file should work fine.
If you run into any problems please don’t hesitate to contact me at Support@StickandRudderStudios.com
Mark continues “There are two areas I would like to get some user testing on before I create an official release of 2.3.1. First, I made a lot of changes to the code that allows a koystick to be used for camera movement input. If you are using that feature I would appreciate your feedback on any problems.
The other area is the addition of a smoothing option for Head Tracking. This option applies smoothing to head tracking inputs such as TrackIR, LinuxTrack, and SimHat. The smoothing was added due to fact that X-Plane 11 still has some minor stuttering that can impact head tracking if you move your head quickly. The smoothing option can help this problem. If you have any head tracking solutions please give this option a try and let me know if you run into any problems.
Please do not share the beta release or your license key with other people. If you have a friend that wants to be part of the beta program please have them contact me directly. This helps me control who is in the beta program so I can update them concerning information about bug fixes and new beta builds.”