See You at Denver
Visit X-Codr Designs Denver International Airport.
Denver International Airport, locally referred to as DIA, is an international airport primarily serving metropolitan Denver, Colorado, United States as well as the greater Front Range Urban Corridor. It’s our pleasure to show you some exclusive screenshots of Denver AirPort, modeled by X-Codr Designs. The screenshots show the bare airport with World Traffic 3 active. Further on we have no payware add-on products installed except the FlyWithLuia plugin with lua script Environment+.
That’s it and was it worth the time to spend to make these screenshots? Yes, I think so and moreover, soon X-Plained.Com will release a comprehensive review of this add-on product. more about this later. First see with your own eyes how Denver looks like during normal textures, so no other season is activated. That will come soon!
For now, enjoy our screenshots.