Your personal reporter Angelique decided to check out the recent released Alabeo C207 for X-Plane 11. And was it worth it?
According to Angelique “It’s as usual a nicely modeled GA aircraft, with some new features and luckily, an old-fashioned “original” cockpit. Old-fashioned or not, the overall instrument quality and virtual cabin is well made and regarding the indicators, razor sharp when zoomed in.”
She continues “And yes, I’m aware that some simmers will say that it’s just an updated X-Plane 10 version. That’s partly true! It’s a bit more then that, but you and I shouldn’t forget that it’s now officially compatible with all the new features X-Plane 11 offers.”
But she has so much more to say including a review with an VFR and IFR flight for using the Garmin equipment. Curious? You can read it all by following this comprehensive review link.