XAirport Scenery Version 1.1
This is a very little library of objects to help scenery authors build airport terminals – kind of ‘lego’ style, brought to you, with his permission, by AndrooC.
It contains one set of ‘modern’ style objects and one set of ‘retro’ style objects that can be arranged any way the author wishes to create an airport terminal building. If anyone finds it useful, or a half decent idea for a library, then I’ll make a couple more sets of objects – maybe a 70s/80s style airport, and a single storey airport. I have included few control towers from previous projects as well.
Using the library:
Deploy the zip file into your Custom Scenery path (as you would with any other scenery package), then use either WED or OverlayEditor to place and arrange the objects.
Some notes:
The two air-bridges in the screen shots are part of the Autogate plugin from Marginal. I highly recommend it.
XAirport Scenery byAndyrooC is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at this X-Plane.Org link.
This package is offered to you by X-Plained.Com. It is free for personal and/or private use. It is not allowed to copy, publish or redistribute any part of any file or package from this website without prior permission from X-Plained.Com or from the developer. Commercial use of the package or parts of it, is prohibited in any way.
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